Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ganoderma Coffee by Java Impact


Our organic coffee beans are roasted and then infused with a healthy full spectrum powdered extract of 14 beneficial organic mushrooms – making our natural coffee the only gourmet blend on the market!

In addition to a full range of complete mushroom benefits , including the potent immune enhancing benfits of beta glucans, our mushroom extract is also alkaline based which, as many scientists are now discovering, counteracts the harmful effects of acidity and provides a healthy living environment for your cells.


This is because Java Impact is unlike any other coffee you have ever tried... We begin with the finest green certified organic Arabica coffee beans, grown in nutrient-rich soil on natural farms without the use of pesticides, artificial fertilizers or other chemicals. We then take these premium organic beans and hand roast them in small batches to perfection.


  1. Organic ganoderma coffee is taking the nation by storm. Get the very best money can buy! JavaFit Java Impact Mushroom Coffee is made of the finest coffee beans from Columbia and 14 different mushrooms from United States. That's right, our mushrooms are grown right here in the United States. You are guaranteed that these mushrooms are fresh and without impurities that are sometimes found in foreign products. If I'm going to be drinking something I feel much safer knowing that the product is made and produced in America.

    JavaFit Impact mushroom coffee is the best tasting mushroom coffee on the market today. This coffee has a rich smooth sweet taste. Java Impact is made by blending the finest ground Gourmet Arabica Coffee with the extracts of 14 USDA Certified Organic mushrooms. All 14 mushrooms are grown in the USA. Java Impact gives you all the benefits derived from the following mushrooms: Reishi, Chaga, Maitake, Mesima, Poria, Oyster, Suehirotake, Shiitake, Lion’s Mane, Agarikon, Cordyceps, Turkey Tail, Blazei, and True Tinder.

  2. I really like the new coffee singles that Java Impact mushroom coffee comes in. Fresh brewed coffee in my cup. Sure beats that instant stuff from other companies. Ganoderma coffee is being drank by so many people now a days.

  3. I have been drinking Java Impact for 5 months now and have benifited from the ganoderma mushrooms that is in the coffee. It seems to help with problems that are below the belt. #1 is lot easier to do.

    Before I started drinking this coffee I read up on what the mushrooms can do for you. What I found is that a lot of medicines come from mushrooms. A whole lot more than I ever expected. The videos on the right side of this blog with the eletronic generated bodies really explain what I am talking about.

    So I now drink a couple of cups of this coffee every day and will continue to do so from now on. It does cost a little more than most coffee but it is well worth the price.
